Letter G

115. Ghdhayeh, Wādī-, Ḥesma | حسما / وادي غديّة / غضية؟

Ma‘ān governorate

Jāmi‘ / open air desert mosque

JADIS no. none

MEGA no. none

Coordinates: unknown.


Plan: broad rectangular with mihrāb to S; entrance in axis from N.

Measurements: unknown.

Exterior: unknown.

Interior: unknown.

Building Materials: unworked field stones of medium size; reddish sandstone and bluish chert, laid in one course into the sand.

Construction details: no roofing, open air. The corners are emphasized by upright standing stones.

Preservation: intact.

Inscription(s): none known.

Date(s): Modern?

Traveler Reports: none known.

Bibliography: unpublished.