Letter H

122. Ḥamad | الحماد

Rowayshed district, northeast of Burqu’ (al-Mafraq Governorate)

Masājid - various open air desert mosques

JADIS no. none

MEGA no. none

Coordinates: unknown.


Plans: see figs. 122. 1-7.

Measurements: unknown.

Exterior: unknown.

Interior: unknown.

Building Materials: basalt.

Construction details: unknown.

Preservation: unknown.

Inscription(s): Several of the mosques have Safaitic and Arabic inscriptions or Bedouin tribal marks (wasm), but none of them has been published yet.

Date(s): unknown.

Traveler Reports: none known.

Bibliography: Betts 1990, 7 fig. 5; Betts - Cropper - Lancester 2013, 159-160.