Letter R

310. Rujm al-‘Aṭawī | رجم العطاوي

Ma‘ān Governorate

Rujm al-‘Aṭawī

JADIS no. none

MEGA no. none

Coordinates: unknown.


Plan: no building.

Measurements: unknown.

Exterior: unknown.

Interior: unknown.

Building Materials: no construction, sandstone.

Construction details: no construction

Preservation: occasionally visited by Bedouins, see below traveler reports.

Inscription(s): none known

Date: unknown.

Traveler Reports: “... al-‘Atawī is a rocky hill on the southern side of a wide plateau. The hill differs from the surrounding area in having dark stones that resemble the rocks of Abū Suwwān. The top of the hill is an uneven eroded rock surface. A heap of stones has been erected on the eastern end of the hilltop and marked with white paint. The heap is also visible from the foot of the hill, but no other traces of visits could be seen. The place is not widely known, the visitors are principally the Bedouin of the Mudāwwara region who visit the site as they pass by during their seasonal migration with their goats and camels” (Miettunen 2013).

Bibliography: Miettunen 111-112 no. 26; 213 fig. 24.

Fig. 310.1 General view from SE (Aḥmad Mara’yeh, 2019).